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解析联合国教科文组织世界地质公园标准   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张建平 《地质论评》2020,66(4):874-880
2015年11月,世界地质公园正式成为联合国教科文组织的一个品牌,同时颁布了《国际地球科学和地质公园计划章程》(UNESCO,2015a)和《联合国教科文组织世界地质公园操作指南》(UNESCO,2015b),对世界地质公园的管理、组织架构、标准、申报、评估和再评估及活动等提出了明确的要求。中国是世界地质公园的创始国之一,拥有教科文组织世界地质公园的数量居各国之首。几年来的实践表明,一些地质公园和地方政府管理机构对世界地质公园的概念和标准的理解尚存在偏差,造成了工作上的被动局面。本文基于中国世界地质公园的实际状况,针对当前存在的现实问题,对教科文组织世界地质公园的标准进行解析,尤其对其范围、边界、品牌叠加等方面进行详细解读,以期对我国今后教科文组织地质公园的健康发展有所裨益。  相似文献   
基于GPS新型L5信号的地表雪深反演研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用GPS多路径反射信号测量地表雪深具有全天候和高时空分辨率的特点,因此其可作为一种代替气象站监测雪深的新手段。然而,先前大多数研究仅使用了GPS L1和L2C波段信噪比数据探测积雪深度。为验证新型的L5信号在雪深反演方面的优越性,本文阐述了GPS-R技术反演雪深的原理,利用Lomb-Scargle周期图法所处理的受积雪表层影响的信噪比数据计算了频谱振幅强度,通过获取频谱特征值与天线高度的关系求解雪深值,最后分别与L1反演结果和实测雪深数据进行了对比。试验结果表明:与现有的GPS-R测量雪深结果相比,利用新型的L5反射信号反演地表雪深的精度更佳;采用GPS-R技术探测雪深对把握测站区域内的雪深变化情况和淡水资源储量具有重要价值。  相似文献   
适应是《联合国气候变化框架公约》及其《巴黎协定》下的重要谈判内容。2018年12月举行的第24次缔约方大会(COP24)就适应议题后续实施方案达成了共识,为全球气候治理带来新的机遇和挑战。中国在未来全球气候治理中,如何借助新成果推动国内适应工作稳步发展,积极发挥中国作用,是新形势下亟需考虑的重要问题。基于此,本文梳理了适应议题的焦点问题、各集团和缔约方的立场观点,展望了2019—2025年适应相关议题主要工作安排,并对此提出了中国未来适应领域完成相关工作需要考虑的应对措施建议,包括:(1)深入分析国际信息报告体系与国内信息的联系,梳理国内适应工作亮点,为构建高质量报告奠定基础;(2)构建跨部门跨地区协作机制,加强信息搜集与完善,有效提高数据和信息统计功能;(3)强化气候变化适应技术、规范、标准等科学研究的作用,为制定政策规定时纳入相应技术要求、提高政策规定等需求提供科学性和可操作性的服务。  相似文献   
通量距平强迫模式比较计划(FAFMIP)是第六次国际耦合模式比较计划(CMIP6)的子计划之一。FAFMIP共设计了5组试验,利用CMIP6中的大气-海洋耦合环流模式(AOGCM)对海表施加动量通量、热通量和淡水通量扰动,旨在研究在CO2强迫下模式模拟的海洋热吸收,由热膨胀引起的全球平均海平面上升,及由海洋密度和环流导致的动力海平面变化等方面的不确定性。  相似文献   
Earth’s life-support systems are in rapid decline, yet we have few metrics or indicators with which to track these changes. The world’s governments are calling for biodiversity and ecosystem-service monitoring to guide and evaluate international conservation policy as well as to incorporate natural capital into their national accounts. The Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON) has been tasked with setting up this monitoring system. Here we explore the immediate feasibility of creating a global ecosystem-service monitoring platform under the GEO BON framework through combining data from national statistics, global vegetation models, and production function models. We found that nine ecosystem services could be annually reported at a national scale in the short term: carbon sequestration, water supply for hydropower, and non-fisheries marine products, crop, livestock, game meat, fisheries, mariculture, and timber production. Reported changes in service delivery over time reflected ecological shocks (e.g., droughts and disease outbreaks), highlighting the immediate utility of this monitoring system. Our work also identified three opportunities for creating a more comprehensive monitoring system. First, investing in input data for ecological process models (e.g., global land-use maps) would allow many more regulating services to be monitored. Currently, only 1 of 9 services that can be reported is a regulating service. Second, household surveys and censuses could help evaluate how nature affects people and provides non-monetary benefits. Finally, to forecast the sustainability of service delivery, research efforts could focus on calculating the total remaining biophysical stocks of provisioning services. Regardless, we demonstrated that a preliminary ecosystem-service monitoring platform is immediately feasible. With sufficient international investment, the platform could evolve further into a much-needed system to track changes in our planet's life-support systems.  相似文献   
全球变暖减缓背景下欧亚秋冬温度变化特征和原因   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
王迪  何金海  祁莉  栾健  蔡波 《气象科学》2015,35(5):534-542
采用气候序列变化趋势诊断和一元线性回归等分析法,研究和讨论了2000-2012年和1976-1999年两种年代际背景下全球陆地不同区域的年平均地表温度的变化特征。发现欧亚大陆中高纬度地区是对全球变暖减缓贡献最大的区域。且该地区在2000年以来秋季年代际增温,而冬季年代际降温。从同期大气环流的配置来看,在对流层低层,秋季西伯利亚高气压年代际减弱,而冬季西伯利亚高气压年代际增强。在对流层中高层,秋季从西欧至东北亚为"高-低-高"的高度场异常分布,纬向环流加强,经向环流减弱,而冬季极地与贝加尔湖地区的高度场呈偶极型分布,东亚大槽加深,经向环流加强。进一步研究发现,超前一个季节的喀拉海附近的海冰与欧亚中高纬度秋冬两季温度的年代际变率有着密切的联系。一方面,夏季(秋季)海冰减少影响秋季(冬季)中高纬度大气环流;另一方面,夏季(秋季)海冰减少,使得秋季(冬季)从北极至中高纬度大陆的对流层低层水汽含量增加(减少),大气逆辐射增强(减弱)导致秋季(冬季)增温(降温)。  相似文献   
银峰  张其林  纪彤彤  姜苏 《气象科学》2015,35(4):480-487
全球雷电活动在地球-电离层空腔中产生的极低频(ELF)信号干涉叠加,在一系列固定频率上产生舒曼共振(SR)。利用2012年5月以色列Mitzpe-Roman(MR)站ELF水平磁场资料,采用频谱变换、时间平均、分析了实测SR日变化信号的时域和频域特征。同时基于全球ELF传播模式,利用OTD/LIS雷电卫星资料模拟了5~30 Hz磁场功率谱日变化情况。结果表明:时域背景信号幅值的均值和偏差满足正态分布的期望和标准差;水平磁场前三阶SR谐振频率非常稳定,月平均下的谐振频率日变化相对8、14、20 Hz理论值的偏移量分别不超过0.3 Hz、0.55 Hz和0.6 Hz。东南亚和美洲地区雷电活动主要响应于南北磁场分量第一阶SR的07—09时和19—22时时段内。而东西磁场分量前三阶SR在12—15时时段内都对非洲地区雷电活动有指示作用。磁场功率谱日变化模拟结果与实测基本一致,表明利用单站正交磁天线的不同阶SR信号能够指示全球不同"热斑"区域的雷电活动。  相似文献   
SD-WACCM模式对平流层化学组分的模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用美国大气研究中心开发的全球气候模式,对2008年平流层的化学组分(HNO3、HCl和O3)进行了模拟研究,并结合了MLS卫星资料进行了对比分析。结果表明,模式可以较好地再现平流层的各化学组分的时空分布状况。并选取了8个区域,将模拟的2008—2009年O3柱浓度与臭氧监测仪资料对比,结果表明,模式可以较好地再现全球O3总量的季节变化情况。  相似文献   
A modified thermal time model(MTM) was developed to reproduce the leaf onset for summer-green vegetation in the Northern Hemisphere. The model adopts the basic concept of a thermal time model(TM) in that leaf onset is primarily triggered by growing degree days(GDD). Based on global phenology data derived from satellite observations, a new parameterization for the critical model parameter Tb(i.e., baseline temperature for GDD calculation) has been introduced, and the spatial distribution of Tb was calculated. Simulations of leaf onset during 1982–2000 in the range 30–90°N showed a significant improvement of MTM over the standard TM model with constant Tb. The mean error and mean absolute error of the climatological simulation were 1.11 and 6.8 days, respectively, and 90% of the model error(5th and 95 th percentiles) was between-12.4 and 13.7 days.  相似文献   
The public's willingness to engage in mitigation actions has not received as much attention as the level of belief in Global Warming (GW), especially on the international stage. Research in Western nations indicates that people systematically misunderstand GW and the actions required for mitigation. Important factors that influence judgments about mitigation actions include personal experiences, beliefs, knowledge, values, and worldviews. We present results of an international survey (25 samples from 24 countries) measuring general intentions to act and willingness to engage in specific actions. Our analysis reveals that endorsement of specific actions is (a) lower than general endorsement of mitigation, (b) accompanied by higher intra-individual variance, and (c) more strongly related to personal experiences with GW. This pattern can be attributed to the compatibility between the proximal construal of specific actions and the nature of the personal experience. Lastly we provide recommendations on how these findings can be used to encourage mitigation action.  相似文献   
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